August 9, 2016

Ensalada de Repollo


When ordering almost any traditional Nicaraguan dish one has the option to get a side of repollo.  Repollo is a cabbage slaw, made with a variety of vegetables.  It can be a combination of whatever you might have on hand - carrots, peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes and jalapeños along with the shredded cabbage.  Salt and vinegar are also added to the mix creating a delicious side salad.  For five years, I (Cassie) always asked for extra repollo when I was buying tajadas (plantain chips) or baho, but I never thought to make it at home.  However, last month I headed out to the local market and bought a wooden grater and I have been making my own repollo ever since.


Last week some friends stopped over around dinner time and my first thought was that I had nothing to serve them.  But then I remembered that I had a big batch of repollo in the fridge.  I put that over tajadas and cuajada (cheese) with chile and served them dinner.  It must have been okay because one of my friend’s told me that later that night when she was in bed, she was dreaming of another plate filled with my repollo.

Ensalada de Repollo

  • 1 shredded cabbage
  • 5-6 diced roma tomatoes
  • 1-2 grated carrots
  • 1 large shredded onion
  • 1 shredded or finely diced green pepper
  • 1 head of garlic finely chopped
  • As many jalapeños as you want

Mix all of the ingredients together and toss with vinegar and salt.  Repollo is best eaten after the flavors have had a day to meld together in your refrigerator!


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