September 8, 2015

What I Am Loving

As you know, we recently completed our contract or term of service with the Mennonite Central Committee.  One might ask, what has led to your decision to stay in Nicaragua?  While our family and friends are a large factor as to why we will most likely return to the U.S. someday, we are very content with our life here, right now.  We are doing our best to “be where we are.”  Here are a few reasons why I (Cassie) am loving life here in Nicaragua.

Photo Jul 27, 3 33 02 PM

A wonderful part of our life here is the access to fresh fruit and vegetables year-round.  They are great to eat and make delicious smoothies and juices.  Some of my favorites lately are maracuya or passionfruit, papaya and mamónes.

Photo Jul 24, 5 54 03 PM

I don’t think that lying in a hammock and reading a book will never grow old.  And our ability to do it twelve months of the year is heavenly.  I recently finished two enjoyable books, The Ladies of Managua by Eleni Gage and All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.  I am looking forward to starting Purity by Jonathan Franzen and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.


We love hosting people at our home.  Whether it be for a meal, a dessert and drink or providing a pillow to someone, it is always a joy to use our home to welcome and serve others.  To be able to host on our patio year-round is also a plus.  I think that there is a weather theme here!


Parties!  It seems that Nicaraguans are always finding a reason to celebrate.  And no party is complete without a piñata.  I would guess that we are breaking open a piñata on a weekly basis.

Photo Jun 28, 5 14 57 PM

I will never ever tire from seeing palm trees.  Being a girl who grew up in the frozen tundra, this is a gift.  I love this stately and elegant tree.


About twice a month, Kevin comes home with a bundle of fresh flowers.  This means that we have fresh flowers all throughout our house at almost all times.  For $6.00 a month, I don’t think this is a bad habit.  Although our Nicaraguan friends do think it is odd that we are decorating our house with “funeral flowers.”

Photo Jul 25, 11 48 17 AM

This textbook, along with several others have been key to the teaching of our current class at the Seminary.  I am currently building two additional syllabuses for classes that I will be teaching in the next few months.  Each and everyday I look forward to and believe in the work that I am doing here.

Narcos title card.jpg

Last week, I may have binge watched all ten episodes of Narcos.  I was somewhat familiar beforehand with the the history of cocaine in Colombia and the life of Pablo Escobar.  But my viewing of this series only reinforced the devastating role that United States demand for drugs and our governments’ response has had on this beautiful country.  I have been fortunate to dialogue with Colombian friends in this past week about this story.  I am learning more each day.  I would highly recommend this series, but just a heads up, there is an obscene about of violence and sexual content.


Continuing the climate based theme, I love living only an hour from the ocean!  Enough said.

Photo Aug 01, 11 27 58 AM

The best part of living here in Nicaragua is the people.  We have been so fortunate to create wonderful friendships with Nicaraguans from all walks of life.


And this guy makes life here pretty special.  I love doing life with him!

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