September 8, 2011

The Bonnie and Rav

Cassie and I have reached some mile markers this summer. After several years of good service on only ONE set of tires in TEN years (the metal was showing through and I have been pumping up one tire since January before each use), we said goodbye to the Bonnie on the 14th of August. The Bonnie had become a special car with windows that did not go down, a fan that did not work, an emergency brake that thought it was constantly on and let me know it continually with a perpetual ding just to name a few of its special features. Meanwhile Cassie’s car, The Rav continues to roam the open road. We think we are going to keep her because of her faithfulness through the disaster she has weathered, hitting the 250,000 mile mark this summer. The Rav has experienced a hit and run and three accidents in the past 6 months (you should ask Cassie about that)! In all seriousness, Cassie and I love to travel, or better I should say we love to visit friends and family. I drive, she sleeps and we repeat, racking up over 40,000 miles of travel already this year. So we say goodbye, and yes the Rav will probably not be pulling up at your door anytime soon, but if someone wants to drive down to Nica and visit we may have a car that you could use!

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